octane twisted - leader needed
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/bullskullorange.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">

Bringing one hand to his face, Silas gingerly touched the fresh grazes along the side of his face. The thin marks stretched from just below one eye and halfway across his muzzle. He flinched slightly when the probing coaxed a sting, and wiped the blood absentmindedly on one thigh. "Intruder? Zhis is vhat I am to you?" What in Hybrid’s confused little head made him so easily judge Silas to be an intruder and not a guest? He had never seen Hybrid before in his life! How could he know anything about him?

Silas brought back his stance, regaining some height he had lost in recoiling from the coyote. Now, he looked downwards at the Hydra with a new outlook. A small taste of disgust tainted his mouth, but he wouldn’t be one to judge too quickly. He knew, after all, that Hybrid was merely defending his territory and that Silas had, in fact, stepped out of line. Still, Silas didn’t see why he and the other hybrid couldn’t have talked a bit first, before jumping to conclusions.


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