octane twisted - leader needed
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/bullskullorange.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">

Even though he was taller than Hybrid, Silas felt a pang deep in the back of his throat. He knew what it was, even though he wouldn’t want to admit it out loud. He was scared of Hybrid. Silas was not a fighter. His frame was well toned, but it was just the body of an active youth. He wasn’t a trained soldier and his most significant fights had just been small spats between Silas and his brother, Anatoliy. If Hybrid initiated a real full out fight with Silas, the Russian boy would surely lose.

Once again, Silas didn’t grasp all the words that Hybrid threw at him, but he was well aware of what the Hydra was saying. And what could he say in reply to that? Obviously, his playful use of Russian wouldn’t work here and he had no excuse for wandering past the borders other than that he was a curious, reckless boy. Either way, as Hybrid stepped closer, Silas held his ground. His teeth clamped firmly together, setting his jaw. Then, an idea hit him. "I come to join. Call your leader. I vaste no more time vith you."


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