octane twisted - leader needed
Hybrid snarled in reply, visibly peeved. He did not want this fool around for any longer. Even if this punk wanted to join Inferni and wasn't just dicking around, Hybrid would not want him among their ranks anyways. Of course, Hybrid did not like a few members of Inferni, and was not too fond of a few previous members, but that did not matter. He did not need any more stupid members wandering around. He was sick and tired of having to deal with all of their nonsense. Hybrid still had not figured out what the coyote with the purple face had done to him, but when he figured it out -- and found the canine -- he would certainly exact his revenge.

Perhaps he was taking this too personally. Hybrid frowned at the thought, letting his gaze linger on the other canine for a moment. He could not stand this kid. He wanted him to get out.

"Get out," he stated coldly. "Leave, now. You're not calling anyone," he continued, advancing. "You are tresspassing. Leave." He would allow no room for argument.

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