
Hi there! Interesting table!

Ember, unlike her sibling, stayed in her optime form for nearly everything. Traveling, riding horses, training, knitting...all of those activities involved hands, in one way or another. If she was traveling she would need easy access to her sword and axe for protection in case she ran into anyone. She would need to have her long legs when she rode Bayard, her hands and arm muscles to work with her sword and axe during her day to day training, and her fingers for knitting.

She was becoming better and better at knitting. At first, when she had met Hemming at her den for a knit-a-thon, she had felt flustered and behind. But now she had perfected scarf-making and hat-making and was moving on to mitten-making. She was wearing one of her very own creations now, as she walked on top of the slippery snow toward the borders. The snow shoes that she had found in the city really helped in times like these--they had some little plastic bits on their bottoms that helped dig into the snow and made it so she didn't skid on the ice as often. The freezing rain had coated everything in a nice layer of the stuff.

A familiar scent made her head come up, ears twitching as she stopped walking and listened. She was in the border now, her patrol just beginning, and it seemed that she had found someone already! Her nostrils flared as she took in more of the smell, deciding what direction to take to reach the source of the scent the fastest. Ember started to run somewhat awkwardly toward it, large snowshoes crunching into the ice with each step. "Kansassss, I smell ya! Where ya at?" she called, voice echoing over the hills.


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