Just pick yourself back up
"Ah, I see." Ty said with a smile and a nod, his face relaxed as he continued to listen to her explanation. Although by the way she responded, she didn't enjoy his prodding "I was just curious, no need to feel prodded at. I just was interested to see what other people do out here." He said as he turned away from her to again look at the river, being able to barely see the water flow under the thick sheet of ice that now covers the water, save for the hole where the deer met it's gruesome and unfortunate end. "though, in retrospect, there really isn't much out here to do besides thinking or hunting, so I guess asking you what you were doing out here was a silly question." A scoff escaped Ty's mouth at his own expense. He was trying very hard to be polite and diplomatic while talking with the woman, but so far he had a very hard time reading the female's reaction. The way she spoke seemed very diplomatic like his own speech, though much more formal then his own, and a significant amount more stoic then his speech ever usually becomes. She was a hard female to read, but Ty would at least continue to try, communication after all was in expression and speech.

"So...how do you like the Valley so far?" He asked with a curious smile. that was good, a question that wouldn't dig into her past, which he could only assume she didn't feel like sharing, but would still find out a little bit about her. "Who have you met so far? I'm curious to see if everyone likes it here." It was hard to find an appropriate question for Zynex, as he didn't want to suddenly make her get defensive. Just judging by how she talked, he could only assume that she was not entirely open, but he didn't know for sure.

Of course, something detracted his mind for a second, and he winced and held a scar on his back leg. A wound he had was acting up again, despite it healing over a few months ago, wold still act up every now and again, and he couldn't explain it, perhaps it' hadn't healed right? He didn't know, but maybe he'd talk to Angel about it, and get her view on it's healing process.


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