Bad things

Blue eyes traveled over the land she saw in front of her. It was cold, for some her age to cold, but she couldn't feel pain so to her it was just like any other spring day. Her body could detect tempature change, but not to a painful degree, frost bite would feel only slightly colder then any other normal tempature. This inability to feel pain was not in her favor in the least, because she couldn't understand fear either. The sable girl wasn't aware of it yet, but she would one day.

Conor's response had her ears flicking back and the blank expression never left her face. Only rarely did she give one of those dark grins. What was the warmth? Was she the only one who felt it? Or rather was she the only one who didn't always feel it? Azure eyes stared almost lifelessly into the forest as she explained. "Warmth consumes my body makes my heart beat faster, and other times skips a beat." She paused to think then continued.

"I only feel warm sometimes, but I don't know why." She said it all in a monotone, as if she didn't know how to express anything without feeling that warmth she spoke of. Finally looking at Conor with her azure eyes she had one of those sadistic grins on her face, her blue eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "I felt warmth when I saw the red" It had to be the one thing that made her feel warm the most often, when she saw blood.


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