Of cabbages and kings

WC: 319

Andy laughed. “It’s true, lately things have been rather quiet.” She felt her belly crawl with hunger again. “Do you ladies fancy a hunt with me? I don’t know about you but I am a bit hungry.” she admitted. As if to confirm her statement, her stomach gave a loud protest, gurgling deeply. She laughed, embarrassed.

She turned her head, lifting her muzzle into the air. Immediately, the scent of the nearby caribou wafted into her nostrils, making her mouth water. Her ears perked forward, straining to hear anything amiss in this part of the forest. Hearing none, she clapped her hands enthusiastically in front of her.

She transformed to her lupe form quickly before trotting off in the direction of the caribou, her nose once again in the air. She trusted that her companions would come with her. She was careful to keep her steps light and silent as she loped through the forest, slowing when the caribou scent got stronger. Turning her head, she noticed that the other females were still back in the clearing. She sat on her haunches and watched them, waiting patiently for them to catch up with her.

The sandy female kept an eye on the herd of caribou, making sure they didn’t get too far away. But they stayed put, obliviously grazing away, unknowing of the danger that was close upon them.

An uncomfortably twinge behind her ear caused her to raise her hind leg and scratch at it; the act was almost unnoticed by the female, her thoughts were so busy with other things that she barely noticed herself scratching her ear. Shaking out of her thoughts, she turned her gaze on the herd once again, trying to pick out a sick or injured individual. But she wasn’t close enough to accurately single one out. That would just have to wait until the trio of females descended on the herd.


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