all that noise, and all that sound (kaena)
WC: 405

He had finally carved out his own little place to be. He stood proudly at the mouth of his cave and there was a bit of a smile on his face. He had been taking refuge here now, since he had stopped sleeping in Kaena’s cave. When he had first arrived at Inferni, soaked to the bone, he had been Kaena Lykoi’s shadow. But he had also tried to stay out of her way. He would sleep in her cave, because she had welcomed him. But not wanting to make himself a pest, he would wait until she rose for the day and then he would cat nap where her scent was the strongest. Now that he was older, he did not need to be around her to feel secure. But he was attached to her nonetheless.

Consequently, he had chosen to make his own home very close to Kaena’s cave. Her scent was still pretty discernable from where he was standing. Although he was not dependent on her, he still wanted to be nearby. Kaena was the closest thing that Mason had to a mother in his mind. He had very cloudy members of his mother, but he knew that he had gotten his eye color from her. He liked to think that if Kaena had been his biological mother, she would have passed on her vibrant eye color to him.

Speaking of Kaena, he now felt the urge to share his work with her. Earlier in the week, the boy had ventured into the city to procure supplies for the clan. In between trips he had dragged interesting odds and ends to his cave. And now it felt very homey to him. And in the spirit of Inferni, he had lined the skulls of his recent “kills” outside of the mouth of his cave in a horseshoe shape, making a somewhat ridiculous fence. The skulls of small rodents were bountiful and echoed the macabre quality of Inferni’s border-skulls.

Because he was older, he was able to contain himself much more. Still, he suddenly felt the need to go to Kaena and show him his domicile. His tail wagging enthusiastically, Mason trotted over to Kaena’s cave and poked his head inside. Normally he would have been much more cautious moving about someone’s home, but he never really worried about that with the scarred female. ”Kae, are you busy? I want to show you something!”


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