I am the shoreline, but you're the sea
    The world had become cold.
    Gabriel stood on the edge of a vast and unfamiliar wilderness, moonlight casting monstrous shadows as it peered out from behind gray-black clouds. Clawed talons reached towards him, seeking to destroy the blue-white halo that clung to his fur. This forest was no longer his forest, but belonged instead to the long-sleeping demons that had woken with the blue moon above his head. Even though Gabriel did not know that this was what he was staring at, he sensed something powerful in that rabbit’s home. Some part of his memory, some arcane and fading place, remembered that he had been told that once. From whom, he no longer knew. He didn’t see a rabbit—he didn’t see anything, nor did he think about anything, and this was good. Too many things had been weighing on his shoulders, and at least now, in the silent world of the shadow monsters and moonlight, he was content. For too long the day-to-day had been nipping at his heels, chasing him with the undying fervor of some devil child. Their numbers were growing, but he could not shake doubt from his mind.
    For what felt like an eternity, but was perhaps only five or ten minutes, Gabriel stared up at the moon and felt nothing but cold. Then, slowly, the clouds pulled back and surrounded that brilliant orb, hiding it from view. Gabriel’s eyes, which had previously carried the green hell-fire all wild beasts know, went dark. He blinked, for what might have been the first time in a minute, and then lowered his head. The forest was no longer unfamiliar, and instead the one he knew and recognized. Whatever long-forgotten beasts of old had woken now staggered back into slumber, taking the unnamed fears that brushed against his sides and crept into his bones.
    They began to ache, his bones, and the coy-wolf rose from the ground and shook his coat. He exhaled through his mouth in a breath of steam, and sucked in much colder air with a shiver. Something had changed. Gabriel could sense it in his blood as much as he could sense the snow hanging in the clouds above his head. It was a familiar sensation, one that did not settle well with him. Even though he recognized it, Gabriel did not know what he sensed. Something terrible, without a doubt. Like Armageddon was hiding just behind those clouds.

table by alli


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