I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in
"She could really talk about anything as long as it didn’t involve violence and blood and guts." <-- Hybrid only knows this!!! And no worries, your reply was fine. Big Grin And I am sorry for Hybrid's mind thoughts. He is mean. Sad Rikka is very interesting, but Hybrid apparently disagrees. 8(

WC: 379

She was rather boring, Hybrid conceded. He supposed it was a little like being around Corona, though, with Corona he'd felt an odd itch in his chest that told him he wasn't being judged so much as disapproved. With Rikka, however, he felt no real emotions toward her; not anger, malice, agreeableness or comradery. If anything, her easy-going banter simply annoyed him, but it did not aggravate him like he would have expected. In fact, it made him feel a little tired, and her cheerful voice could have easily lulled him to sleep. He shook his head quickly, trying to make himself focus. She'd paused for a moment, but soon enough, she was talking again. Hybrid watched her mouth move with agitated indifference, wondering if anything she said would matter. Rikka mentioned having met two members of Inferni, both of which Hybrid rarely — if at all — interacted with. After casually suggesting to Anselm that they go somewhere and have some fun (though he supposed asking someone, You want to fuck, or something? wasn't very casual), Hybrid had neither seen nor spoken to Anselm. The Caelum had disappeared, then reappeared, and since then, they had never spoken. He had seen Anselm in passing at pack meetings and at the Halloween gathering, but he had only spoken to his superior once, and it had delved into a discussion of sexuality and differences between wolves and coyotes. Hybrid still did not know what to make of the Caelum — though, he knew with a great deal of certainty that he was most certainly not gay. Although, Hybrid supposed it was rather humorous — coincidental, perhaps, and maybe even ironic — that he had knocked up Anselm's daughter.

When Rikka mentioned Halo's name, Hybrid's frown turned into an annoyed grimace. He did not like Halo. He did not hate her, but he did not like her either. He cared nothing for the girl, and would advise Rikka to do the same.

“She doesn't make very good first impressions on anyone,” he agreed maliciously. The first time he had met her, she was wearing human clothing, and incredibly ridiculous human clothing at that. Hybrid found his sneer deepening at the thought, still annoyed that Vitium's vermin was allowed to live in Inferni and do as she pleased.

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