just me and my thoughts, slipping far away (Andy)
WC: 359

Geneva sat on the hearth, enjoying the dying warmth of the fire. It wasn’t wet today, at least. Still, she wanted to stave off the chill of the night. The sun had set pretty recently, but the chill of winter still stayed settled over her skin. She shivered a bit as she warmed herself in front of the dying embers. She considered prodding the glowing orange log back to life, but refrained from doing so. She had completed her duties for the day, but she did not feel like stoking the fire back to life right now. Shrugging her thin shoulders, the Savant rose, resting her hand against the wall as she got to her feet.

She crept down the hallway to her room and produced a bottle. Dusting it off slowly, she turned to see the label. She wrinkled her brow as she read the words. Shrugging her thin shoulder, she tucked it under her arm and then walked back out to the common area. She might as well fill her time with this, if nothing else. It was not that she was in need of distraction, but she did want to unwind.

She reclaimed her spot on the braided rug, stretching out so that she was lying on her stomach. She laid her head on her arm and rolled the bottle away a few inches before catching it with her fingers, her mind wandering as she did so. She loved to just allow her mind to wander, and just to think. Also, she had decided that she wanted to share her leisure time with someone else.

It had been a while since she had just taken time to unwind. She was usually so responsible that the most she did for herself was just to lay down, read a few pages of a book and then pass out. Her duties as Savant kept her busy, but she enjoyed them anyway. Now though, she wanted a change of pace. But she needed help to get to that point, it seemed. Stretching her shoulders, she let her olive colored eyes go half lidded as she became lost in her thoughts.


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