PM'd you idea for this! Big Grin

WC: 344

Hybrid met Gabriel's sour look with one of his own, refusing to back down from the impromptu staring contest. Like everything between the two male coyotes, their meeting had quickly escalated to the status of a full-on war. Hybrid had not tasted war and battle in many months, so he relished this little conquest between him and his leader. Anything that put his wills to the test and pitted him against an 'enemy' was worthwhile for Hybrid. And so, he returned Gabriel's glares with one of his own, furrowing his brow in concentration. He felt his upper lip twitch as he tried to refrain from snarling. This was but a small war, not a full-blown world war. He needed nothing of the sort with Gabriel; he just needed a little competition to tide him over until the next war, until the next time he could spill some blood. Hybrid relished the challenge his Aquila offered him.

"Guess maybe I should look into finding myself another Aquila if mine can’t get his ass off some ice, ah?" he mimicked under his breath, still holding Gabriel's burning golden eyes with his own. Although he would never utter such treasonous words loudly, he allowed himself a small moment of annoyed cattishness. Hybrid could be incredibly petty when he wanted to, which was often. In fact, most of the time, in upholding his own twisted moral code, Hybrid managed to make enemies with everyone he met, and could easily take any comment the wrong way (sort of like how he’d done with Gabriel’s).

"Like you could do any better, Gabriel. I'm going to get out of here," he restated. He would escape from this strange slippery surface, and perhaps he and Gabriel could enjoy a romp through the territory and examine the borders. That would be a nice night out on town (once he figured how to get out of here, anyways). He broke his staring contest with Gabriel and continued to edge – ever so slowly – toward the snow bank, determined to show Gabriel he could escape.


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