
Np :3
Word Count: 461 - SoSuWriMo


Some time passed as they waited for his arrival, and she tried to entertain the pups as they sat there. They were bad at waiting, as any child would be, though they were getting pretty old now, and should learn to pay respect. She let them get away with many things inside Dahlia de Mai, but this was because she knew her fellow packmates would be forgiving of a child of their own ranks. This was a different pack however, and they were meeting none other than the leader himself, and so she would make damned sure they behaved. Quick words lashed at them as they attempted to stretch their boundaries and move away from them, but they quickly discovered that if they did not stay put at her feet they would taste her wrath upon their return to Wolfville. Instead she passed their time with word-games, though most of the time they provided words that didn't fit at all. She was too nervous to correct them, and as Jefferson finally appeared with an unwelcoming face and an even more negative comment, she found herself quite out of the loop — but annoyed. If his goal was to anger her, he could just continue to throw her efforts into the trash. It would be very effective.

She frowned as his poisonous words reached the little family's ears, and the children looked up at her as if asking what to do. Her green gaze shot indignantly at her half-brother, and she mumbled to the children to "do what they had practiced". The two hesitated and looked from one adult to the other, feeling the tension. They had probably not expected that when mommy had told them they were going to visit an uncle. The boy stepped forward and spoke up; Vesle was much too shy to do anything at all. "Hello mister Uncle Jefferson sir." The young boy darted back to sit at his mother's feet, and she gave him a little bump with her one foot as if to reassure him and tell him "good job". Having seen her brother do his job so well, Vesle stepped forward and mumbled something that vaguely resembled her brother's sentence, but it trailed off into nothing before she, too, darted back to sit with her mother. And could they blame them anyways? Jefferson, with his eye and his leg and his scars, looked really scary, after all. Mew sat silently and watched the scene play out, saying nothing. Smiling kindly at the scarred hybrid, she would not comment on his negative words. Who judged who now? She could easily find something to say, but what was the point in that? She had come here with fresh thoughts and less hormones, not to fight with him.

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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