Fill me with your rage
Yarr, good stuff! Litt pp, regne me d e greit? Smile Word Count: 306



The girl gave the tiniest of sobs and shifted towards her, and Mew's extended arm wrapped itself around her in a proper embrace. Never had she been this close to a being such as this one; she could feel her fur and make out the details of her scent so easily. The fine hairs that made up her coat were no different from her own except in color, and her scent had some similarities to that of Jefferson, herself, her brother. If she singled out the scent of this clan that she had hated for so many years, and pushed it away, their scents were more similar than she would ever have imagined they could be. One set of fingers moved soothingly in this pelt of her sister, and the moistness on Mew's face did not cease with this embrace. She mirrored her sister, as if she, too, had lived through these ordeals, taking part in her suffering like a friend and sister ought to. They had both faced trials, some more terrifying, some more tragic than others, but the white femme could not imagine herself in her sister's position. To be robbed of a childhood, or a litter, or a mate; it was not the same as being robbed of one's identity and worth. And she knew she could not offer sanctuary inside these borders, for her brother would not allow it; in all likelihood, neither would whoever in Inferni who had done this to her. All Mew could do was share this moment of sadness with her, and this was all she offered, too. Two true opposites met mid-way and melted together in this embrace, their scents intertwining and their tears staining each others' furs. Still, she said nothing, for she knew her words would not matter. There were no words for Halo Lykoi.


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