Fill me with your rage
Word Count: 448 - SosuWriMo



They were true opposites, these two sisters. One was white, an image of purity in mind and soul, and one was darker, marked, broken. They stood opposite each other, one wolf almost completely blending in, belonging, in these lands, and one hybrid completely out of place. The notion that they had come from the same mother was almost impossible, proven only by a melody, a string of tones that touched both their lives when all was warmth and comfort and safety. It was chance, and only chance, that would have them meet and recognize Colibri Soul in each other.


Her voice lingered in the air for just a short instant before disappearing into nothing. Emerald gaze sought out the fires in front of it, but they did something unexpected. They leaked. Mew stood still as she watched the younger female sink to her knees in tears, perplexed. Perhaps another time, in another place, when the hybrid's reaction had been otherwise would Mew have reacted with indignation, but this display of emotion was far too convincing. It was utterly heartfelt, and Mew could only begin to wonder at what suffering might cause this. Of course, there was a difference from one person to another. Mew did not cry as easily, and certainly not such as this. In order to make her cry such as this, one would have to rob her of everything, and more so. It could be that this coyote simply cried easily, but even so would she have done so here, now? It did not make sense to her, and she could only conclude that this sorrow that was voiced in front of her was great. Waves of sympathy hit the Vitis, but she stood rooted and uncertain. Should she approach? Should she leave? And she had yet to know what this person's mission in Dahlia's lands were. This dilemma would not sort itself, and Mew took two hesitating steps forward. All of her conflicts regarding Inferni, regarding coyotes, this one, Jefferson; they shrunk as she watched the young female moan with misery. The thoughts and dilemmas were discarded, and Mew's mind occupied itself only with the female — her half-sister. She could find no words in her to comfort the other, because the situation was strange and the girl was even stranger. Mew took another step forward and wanted to put her hand on one such warmly colored, but she did not know whether she should. Bewildered and at a loss, the femme simply sat down on her knees in the snow in front of the other. Finally, she found her voice, but they were faint, the words that came from her mouth. "I never knew."


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