
OOC: table code, image, and Filler © Jacoby; 1062 words; Sorry it took me so long to get to this.


Marik had his own subtle ticks. Things that could easily pass in society until they were noticed, then he would be rejected. Like the constant flirting and hinting would have him deterred away from. Or worse, the sudden and unprovoked mood changes. Luckily those didn’t plague him too often. Or at least not around those that weren’t his brother. His brother got the brunt of the craziness but hadn’t sought to be rid of him yet. But then again he had always accepted his brother’s ticks. So of course it made him glad that others had learned to accept Cotl’s strange behaviors. But it also had him slightly worried. What did it mean for him? Back in Germany he was the only one that Cotl had. And now? Well Cotl had friends here and Marik just didn’t feel as needed as he had been. Cotl had rank and Marik was a nobody. Cotl left him every morning to go and do who knows what. It really wasn’t that fun of a feeling. He just felt so left out. He used to be his brother’s everything and now he felt not needed in the slightest. Yet Cotl wouldn’t let him leave. Cotl wanted him around still and so he was here. While they had already had this argument before he still didn’t understand. Marik had lost his purpose in life. So why did Cotl want him here if he wasn’t really needed. His slightly older brother had friends now to feel the void that Marik had filled in Germany. After all Marik had came because he thought that Cotl would need him. But he found out that wasn’t true once he had gotten here.

They’d had another argument just last night and so he wanted to get this doll done as quickly as possible. Wanted to show that no matter how much he complained about wanting to go back to Germany that he would always be here for his brother should Cotl ever need him. Though he wasn’t even certain that his brother would like it. This wasn’t exactly a talent that he had shared with the other. It wasn’t like he got to mess with it too much back in Germany. Not with his parents expecting so much from him all the time. He was always expected to train. To be the best. But he didn’t care for the training. Didn’t care for learning to fight. Fighting just wasn’t his thing. He didn’t share his parents prejudices. If he did then he would have never would have came after his brother. Just because Cotl has something obviously wrong with him their parents had shunned him. He didn’t agree with that. It wasn’t Cotl’s fault so he didn’t see why his brother should have been forced to leave. That alone had him questioning a lot of their beliefs. And had him honoring hardly any of them. He didn’t judge others because he had seen the effect that it had on his brother. In Germany it had Cotl locked away from the world which led to him being socially inadequate. That alone made Marik feel that most everyone else’s afflictions were something out of their control. Or else they stemmed from some sort of mistreatment. Either way he wasn’t about to hold that against them. And that possibly made him different from the other coyotes here as well. Not just by looks, having gotten more of his mother traits, but in temperament as well. He wasn’t on the whole ‘I hate wolves’ bandwagon. He was more like one of those ‘free love’ type. But still he knew how to function in a clan and how to follow orders.

He looked up as he heard the approach of another. Gaze landed on an older female and head took on a slight tilt of curiosity. He had no idea who she was but he could hazard a guess. His brother had mentioned something about a female leader. He would guess that this was her. Especially since she brought up his brother’s name as she approached. “Ja, Marik.” His German heritage was obvious as he spoke, the accent strong in his voice. But then again it wasn’t like he had been away from the country for too long. At least not long enough for the accent to wear off, if it ever would. It was certainly doubtful but who knew, it might become subdued the longer he stayed in this other country. “You are the leader that Cotl mentioned?” He couldn’t exactly recall a name being given at the moment but new there was a male one and a female one. And if he was right then it was the female that had allowed his brother in. “The one that did the skull, right?” He believed that was right. Believed that is what he had been told. If so then she had done good work. After all Marik could appreciate an artistic eye. He should since he wore his brother’s art all over his body. And no doubt would end up with even more. His brother just had this habit of always drawing on him, especially after they had gotten messed up together.

Noticing that the female’s attention was focused on the hide he glanced at it before looking back to her. “It is going to be used to make a doll after it has dried.” He explained, not exactly sure what question it was that was going through her mind. Actually he wasn’t even sure if she understood just what he was talking about even. After all he wasn’t certain just what sorts of things they did here. If there were any others with crafting know how or what not. Or if they were just like his father and only concentrated on fighting skills. “I still have to soak it another day before I can actually work on it.” He spoke up as he went back to working on the ring that was in his hands currently. He frowned a bit as he stared down at it. He still wasn’t happy with it though it had provided him with something to do. But he had worked on it as much as possible and still he felt it was missing something. He mentally shrugged it off and handed it up to the female. “Do you want this?”


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