
OOC: table code, image, and Filler © Jacoby; 1090 words


Ah yes, the eyes were what really marked them as being brothers. That was their common factor, besides the accents. And perhaps the lack of height could be considered as well. And maybe even all of the adornment, all of the piercings and tattoos could be a deciding factor in making them appear similar as well. But other than that Cotl looked remarkably more coyote than Marik did. But that was something that he had just gotten used to. Marik had gotten used to his heritage being unable to be guessed right off. It really didn’t bother him anymore. He would just let others come to their own conclusions unless he should be asked directly. And mostly others decided upon what he must be on their own. Actually he couldn’t remember the last time that he had been asked. If he had ever been asked even. He couldn’t remember. Maybe everyone had just assumed what he was.

But yes, his brother had done all of his work. Though most of it had been done while he had been passed out. And still others were of Cotl’s own suggestion and just had Marik laying still for. But the one placed at his throat was the one that Marik had asked for himself. It was quite simple compared to the others that he had. But he had chosen it for the meaning rather than for the design. It simply meant well being and good fortune. That was just how Marik liked to consider himself. Because of this he wore the design proudly. Has asked for it to be put in a place where everyone was sure to see it. And of the piercings he had Marik had requested the one at the base of his tail. It was these two that were his newest, having gotten them right after arriving and were of his own choosing. It had been his way of bonding with his brother after having been separated for so long. It had also been Cotl’s promise to him, used to calm him down during their fight.

If Marik had been told that she imagined Cotl had spoken of her because of showing that he liked her then he would have laughed. His brother was too much of a prude to like anyone. Or so the boy thought. Marik hadn’t seen where his brother had expressed any interest in anyone. So it was impossible for him to imagine that his brother may have mentioned her because he had a crush on her. He had just taken it as him speaking of the leader and nothing more. Or well, to also mention the tattoo since Marik had been interested in that as well since it was something new that his brother had gotten while they were apart. But no, Cotl wasn’t the sexual one. That was Marik. Though right now he had his mind busy on other things. Still he couldn’t help flirting a mild amount. “If you still need more practice than I am available to be worked on. I am quite used to it after all.” After all he was more decorated than his brother was. And if she wanted to put her face down there where Cotl had described it as being then he really wouldn’t mind that one. After all Marik found beauty in all beings. He had a problem with no one. He found himself desiring everyone. It was just a part of who he was.

He was surprised that interest was being shown towards such a menial task. The doll really served no purpose but to act as a promise to his brother. He glanced up to the skin once more before looking back to the female leader. “Well first I have to finish stretching and softening it. That should take another day. Then I can work on actually shaping it. Sinew and bone can be used to sew it together. And I plan on thinning out my winter coat to fill it.” That was the basic run down of what he had planned on doing. He didn’t see it as being anything too spectacular. Nothing to really be praised. “I believe I may have to wait until spring to make anything else. I simply lucked out to find a pleasant week in which to do this in.” He really had lucked out. He didn’t get any sort of precipitation which would have ruined the skin. He couldn’t count on being that lucky through the rest of the winter though. He wasn’t going to risk it. But this was something he felt compelled to do. He had to show his brother that despite their fighting he still cared for him and always would. That he would always be with him one way or another. So to him the doll was a must.

When she said she liked the ring he passed it off to her. “I feel like something is missing from it but I can’t figure out what.” Well, he wasn’t about to lie about it. He just wasn’t happy with it but didn’t know what else to do with it other than scrap it. But perhaps the leader could figure out a use for it. Or perhaps even figure out what was missing from it. But as for him he was completely at a loss. It had just provided him with something to do while he waited. Just something to keep his mind busy while his body was at rest.

But then her words threw him off. Him? A craftsman? He shook his head with a laugh. “Oh no no no. I just dabble a bit here and there.” After all to be a craftsman implied there was a mastery of the task. He certainly wasn’t a master of anything. He just did a bit of this and that. Whatever he felt like at the time. “I just like to learn and play around with knowledge. I wouldn’t say that I have perfected any craft in order to be called a craftsman. Merely just a collector of knowledge that has the ability to do a bit of this and that with some degree of skill.” After all he didn’t like being tied down to any one skill or trade. It was why he had never mastered a single one. He just liked having a working knowledge of everything. That way he could switch what he wanted to do by the mood he was in but still able to accomplish other things as well.


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