It only takes a dream...

OOC: Sorry for the delay. Also, would you please mind splitting your post in paragraphs? It makes it easier to read Smile Thanks! SSWM - 521


It was finally a relief to be able to walk around and not feel trapped by her own mind. In the weeks since the first appearance of her guardian wolf, Brooklyn had retreated so much into silent study and thought that she was sure she would go mad. But slowly, as the days grew shorter and the cold fingers of winter grasped the lands, she came alive once more. The irony, of course, was not lost on her and indeed she felt more and more joyful. Even with the snow, the frost, the cold nights when there was no sleep to be had, Brooklyn still wanted to explore. Lately, she had met new and interesting faces but something deep in her soul told her that this calm would not last. There was a storm gathering and she could not say what path her pack would take. Sure, she wasn't anywhere near the high ranks, not as high as Mati even, but she knew that whatever path Anu and Savina chose, it would be the right one. They had survived through dark times and now, it would not be about them. Whatever this foreboding would bring, it did not start in Crimson Dreams. That thought alone was enough to comfort her.


The woods provided shelter and a chance to avoid company she did not need to see. Not because they annoyed her, not at all, but because she did not know what to say to some of them. What could she possibly say to Mati? After all this time, what could she share with her sister that would bring them together? She was still avoiding her mother, it seemed, a somewhat reckless endeavour, all things considered. But for now, she didn't want to break the illusion she had in her head. The old wolf had not reprimanded her for being so inconsiderate, but she knew it was only a matter of time until it happened. He would not be pleased with her. No matter what Naniko had done, she was still family, he would argue. And he was right. But she needed to mend ties with siblings who loved her before she looked to a mother who had, to all intents and purposes, left the pack for her own gain. It was with these thoughts in mind that she spotted an unfamiliar wolf. A female. She carried a scent Brooklyn had not encountered before.


Slowly, the white female approached the stranger, careful not to startle her. She seemed to be reading, but what exactly the book was, the girl couldn't tell. It was old and certainly quite big, but nothing she'd seen around the manor. Cocking her head to the side, she softly called out, Hello? Please don't be scared, I won't hurt you. It was the truth. She was too afraid that she might get into trouble. The other female didn't seem in such a good physical condition, but it was no guarantee that she was alone. The last thing Brooklyn needed was to somehow cause trouble for her pack.


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