baby, it's cold outside
wc: 538 // ooc: frostbite, oh my!

Such a dilemma. He hated being cooped up indoors, but hated the winter chill with equal passion. The tall king paced restlessly over the creaky floorboards of the seasonal cabin, straying near the dying warmth of the fireplace. It was not his job to chop firewood and tend to the embers - that job fell to Firefly, his moody roommate. He certainly wasn't expected to live out here all on his own, was he? Her companionship was much appreciated, especially under the covers. It didn't hurt that she took care of any chores that needed to be completed, including hunting for food. That was why she was absent now, her silver fur swallowed by the white outdoors.

Jacquez found himself staring out the frost-rimed window, his breath occluding the weathered glass. His kingdom had transformed into a tundra; snow and ice coated everything. It was ridiculous. He certainly wouldn't have settled in this frozen wasteland if he had landed here initially. Even the most hardened explorer wouldn't plunge into a Nova Scotian winter. Damn Susquehanna and her geography lesson; if she had taught him that sooner, he wouldn't be stuck here now. He could be lounging on a beach somewhere, supping a bottle of spiced rum and letting the sun's rays caress him... The surly dog scratched his neck idly, black eyes tracking about the room. There was nothing here to interest him; it was a place to sleep, and that's all it was intended for. Deciding that it was better to brave the ugly weather than to rot in the cabin any longer, Jacquez bulled the door open and strode out into the snow.

"Fils d'une vache," he cursed immediately, feeling the cold seep beneath his thin Optime fur, the snow numbing his footpaws. What sort of hell was this, where the very air he inhaled made his limbs shudder and slow? Surely his entire body would shut down if the windchill kept this pace. Jutting his lip in a determined grimace, the overly dramatic monarch forced himself to trudge forward, his lean body hunched against the wind. He would never make it as far as the stables or Ruri's dwelling... but the Chien Hotel was conveniently nearby. He could hunker down there and wait for the snow to melt. Even winter at sea was not this brutal, in his opinion. He should have just set sail like he wanted to, leave Vigilante in charge of the men's work and weather the season on some sunny desert island.

To him, it was an eternity. The king staggered through the hotel doors like the last survivor of some horrible natural disaster, slamming the doors behind him. Pellets of ice rained on the floor as he shook his head vigorously, freeing his dark mane from the detestable cold. He couldn't feel his ears or his toes - had the frost bitten him, so to speak? If he had to lose another limb, it would be hard to maintain his roguish good looks and handsome charm, especially if the only war story he could tell was that "it got too cold". Snarling under his breath, the one-armed dog stalked forward, seeking the hotel's stone fireplace. He desperately needed something warm.


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