Dark Star Rising

When Jacquez had stormed out on her she had done little to stop him. She had learned one thing about the king and she knew sooner or later he would return. There would be no apologizes and he would act as though everything that she had said had never taken place. He had a strange way of dealing with things but she would survive. Even if he found no use for children she would let them know who their father was and leave it at that. Perhaps in time they would find a middle ground but she doubted that right now. He was too high strung in his ways to care about anything but himself. She hadn't even had the chance to tell him about what had taken place between Anselm and herself and the aid she'd willingly granted before even speaking to her pack.

A sigh escaped her lips as she finished gathering the last of her things from his cabin and set back to her little shack. Now that she couldn't shift to return to her lupus form she had no real reason to even try and fit into her den. It had been made for a wolf and she wouldn't see that form not for a long while. She flicked her ears back uncertain as she threw her things on the old tattered sofa before wrapping up in one of the blankets that she'd taken with her, the scent of the king still fresh in their layers as she curled up in a ball and tried to keep from weeping. She was pathetic and she knew it. The king would never see her as anything more than a plaything and she'd gone and went soft, finding a weak spot for the self absorbed bastard. She obviously had horrible tastes in me, though ambitious.

She had just closed her eyes when his voice carried through the lands. She growled to herself and contemplated ignoring his call. What did he want now. She was really getting tired of being one thing behind the scenes and something totally different to the face of the pack. The Sadira woman hissed through her teeth as she awkwardly got to her paws. She had stayed in her feral form when she'd been with Haku's litter, this time she'd remained in her optime form. It was a whole new experience and she wasn't sure she wanted to go through it, the differences in the pregnancies so much clearer. She at least had been able to hide her last one to a degree. She knew there was no hiding anything now. Storming out of her cabin she moved towards the sound of the king's call, glad to know that he wouldn't dare to use their old meeting grounds, her own shack, to call the pack from.

She hadn't realized that Elroy had come bounding out of some shadow and had tailed after her the whole way, the young cat smart enough to know to stay out of Firefly's way when she was in a mood, but still curious as to where she was going. She never slept at the house anymore and he had been busy doing his catty things to follow her and keep watch over his pet. Today though she'd returned freely to him and he'd decided that he wasn't going to let her out of his sight for too long today. She might not reappear for moons if he did.

Her mood grew fouler the closer she grew to the city. Her balance was off and she was testy enough by her mixed emotions over everything that had fallen in place lately. Her eyes flashed as she slipped on the pavement and awkwardly righted herself before continuing on. She had already been disgraced enough by their Majesty, she wasn't going to let the late pack members see her at her worst out in the clear. She grumbled to herself as she hulled her way up the stairs and into the hotel, finding a nice gathering of the pack, all familiar faces in their own sense but her absence this past month from the swing of things had probably begun to show to those she'd spent time with here and there. She didn't even want to hear what they would have to say once they realized why she'd been so scarce.

She finally took notice of Elroy as he bound across the room and created havoc, tumbling a smaller cat and batting at the creature who was unstead on it's short legs. She hissed at the cat who quickly tucked his paws under his form though his tail still twitched and teased as though any second he would pounce again. She really wished that hairball hadn't come along. He didn't always realize that she didn't want to make a scene, sometimes it was best to be a shadow, but him, he was feline, they were always the center of attention. She shook her head and turned her ears to what one of the members was asking.

The look and words of the king made her believe that she might know just what this grave news was. A frown pressed on her lips as she spoke softly, "Aye, I think I know what it is, and it's best not left to idle gossip." Her eyes smoldered as she glanced at Jac, still annoyed with him for his pathetic disregard to the news she'd brought him. She wouldn't have shared such information if she hadn't known the troubles that split the lands. She really wished that he had stayed a moment longer for her to tell him what else she had to tell him. Next time if she had bad news she'd present the public news first and not the private. She let her eyes settle on the king as she stood near the door silent, knowing her attempts to go unnoticed had failed from the start.

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