I sing my song because I love, p


In Character

Suddenly a female’s voice sounded from behind and the word spoken was not a pleasant one. He jumped around and looked at the pitch black form with open confusion. Maggot? She was threatening him and he did not like it at all. Ears flickered back against his skull and a thing melody was all that sounded in the tense air. He was not a large man and he was not a fighter. He had come to take part in the war, but was in no way prepared for it. It would soon become clear to him what horrors and scenes lay in the word and it was quite different from what he believed. Conflict, yes, but he did not anticipate true death. He had come from a place too peaceful and harmonic in order to understand the evils of true conflicts where lives so easily could be dispatched. ”Ceval,” the man hummed out nevertheless, hoping she had mistaken him with a maggot. He certainly was not one; he was only Ceval and no one else.

He danced backwards away from her and deeper into the territory that he did not understand. He was only stepping closer to death and did not realize this the slightest. He did not wish for true conflict, though at the same time it would be necessary. ”Hummmm,” his voice rang out in distress, the tone urgent and stressed. He could feel his heart pound against his sandy chest. Was this yet another step into finding that perfect tune? Alarmed eyes shone for a moment and a smile graced his dark lips.

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Table credit: Sie

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