she called out a {warning}

OOC: ::Word Count:: 600+

The days grew long and winding, void of feeling for the pale Crimson Dreamer. The earth was damp from the warm weather having melted the frosted ground, so the air smelt more of spring than of mid-winter. The pearl femme lay stretched out on her back in front of her den, in her Optime form, allowing her gaze to study the cerulean sky above her. A few solitary clouds, almost like abandoned ships at sea, swayed unnoticeably with the soft wind, leaving almost invisible tracks of cream in their wake. She wistfully studied their patterns through the calm atmosphere, lying as she was, idly, her back pressed against the still ground, pebbles and small branches or roots digging into her fur and her skin. Her golden eyes took their time with analyzing every detail etched against the darkening blue of the sky, moving slowly down towards the horizon that separated her from the world above. It seemed a long distance away, this line, and Urma had long since known that it was something she would never reach. The harder she stared, the more she thought she could distinguish a speck of white against the vague line of darkness. Maybe that was where Pilot was, away from her, unreachable, just out of sight.

The light kept dispersing as the hours of dusk grew nearer, and Urma fiddled with the claw hung around the leather string of her necklace. Her thoughts wandered down their own paths, lingering on some aspects that teased her memory before turning to another. It was in this state so similar to one of a daze that Savina’s howl reached her flattened ears. They immediately pricked up, straining to catch a hint as to what the obvious urgency of the call entailed. She pushed herself up into a sitting position, her hands supporting the weight of her body, and tried to hear whether a second signal would ensue. When silence settled over the area around her den, she stood up hurriedly, absentmindedly tucking back her strand of hair wrapped in colourful string, and breaking into a sprint in the direction of the Manor. Her heart pound wildly, thinking of the worst, but not exactly knowing what the worst was. Her legs, although powerful and lean, did not pack the same momentum as the muscles in her legs whilst in Luperci form did, which meant that she was not nearly as fast on two legs as she was on four. Nevertheless, she pressed on, knowing that the line of the horizon that she had spent so much time studying was at once behind her and in front of her, and all around her, to be accurate, so that in a sense, should she stick to her conclusion that Pilot was there, beyond reach, he was at once far away and everywhere around her. The blanched female’s head spun due to the sheer volume of thoughts that were bombarding her, and by the time the Manor came to view, she felt relief wash over her, and worry return full blown back to its initial proportions.

The ivory-furred femme slowed down as she neared the entrance, catching her breath, knowing it would do no one any good if everyone gathered came panting and gasping for breath when important matters needed to be settled. The urgency in Savina’s call announced something of grave importance, and Urma was not surprised, as a result, to see that she was not the first to arrive. She obediently took a spot on the floor, undisturbed by the fact that she was sitting on wood instead of on a chair, anxiously awaiting the two leaders already present to explain the reason for their unexpected gathering. Her heart beat against her ribcage in anticipation and dread, and her ears were pulled back against her head, finding the position she was currently in terribly discomforting.


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