she called out a {warning}
i'm heeeeeere, sorry i'm late
223 words

Gotham had been happily ignorant of any tension that was broiling beneath the pleasant lands of Nova Scotia. He had gotten himself in to a spot of trouble, but that hadn't been anything near the scale of what might be happening. Despite, and perhaps enhanced by his ignorance, the urgency in his mother's voice made the youngster immediately stop what he was doing out in the garden. With a rather frantic expression plastered upon his face, the boy ceased his work on a particularly extravagant snow fort and stood up. With a briskness in his walk, he headed towards the entrance of the mansion.

Once inside, he watched as a few other Dreamers disappeared down the hallway and followed after them. Though it seemed as if he had responded fairly quickly to his mother's call, the room was already full. He shone an uncertain smile towards his mother, to Urma, and finally to his sister. Gotham headed towards Cambria, taking a seat on the broad arm of the sofa she was sitting on. Usually he would have given her a wide smile, but instead, to convey his fondness and the pleasure found in seeing her, he rested an elbow on her shoulder and nudged the side of her face with his nose. The three siblings were growing up quickly; some faster than others.

james made this ♥

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