the wandering souls on earth
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-chomps on!- YOU LUFF ME!!
         She refrained from picking up the skull, unwilling to disturb it anymore than she had. Satisfied that her prayer had sent an adequate message for the restless soul belonging to the skull, she straightened herself again—just in time to notice the soft crunch of snow as a young man approached her. Gray-blue eyes lifted to his face briefly, scanned the ulterior posture of his lean, masculine body and then appropriately set herself in response. She crouched, bowing her head to him and pulling her ears back submissively before lifting herself slowly from the ground again, keeping a relaxed, and unassuming body position.
         A war? she echoed softly, looking at the ground for a quiet moment before lifting her pallid gaze again. I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware, she added, twitching her ears slightly as he questioned her identity. Niir smiled slightly, vaguely amused if only because it had been quite some time since someone had asked who she was. Being alone was not pleasant, she thought idly at this moment. My name is Niir. Niir Ráksha-Rákesh. I come from quite some distance away, for no reason other than my previous living conditions had become somewhat unbearable. She smiled ruefully, looking down tiredly at their feet.
         She was quick to return her gaze to the young man, studying his handsome features for a short moment before offering herself to conversation again—an aspect she had gotten a tad rusty at over the past month or so. What is your name, and what is this place, if I could be so intrusive? Her voice remained soft, hardly raised and anything but impolite. Tensions around here were sure to be high, especially if war was being waged as they spoke.

table by alex.

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