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Thank you for starting! =D In my next post, I can have him scoop Kable up and stuff if you wanted to save him from his oh-so-vicious attacker. ^^ 529 words.

####After having checked on Nádherné that morning in his makeshift stable in the back yard of Vigilante’s house, the dog mutt had decided that it would be a good day to gather new materials. He wanted to make something interesting for Ayita, or maybe even something for her two children, but he had no ideas about what he should make for them. He lacked the ability to think of anything particularly creative or nice, so he had decided that some new inspiration might do the trick. Visiting the stables seemed like a good idea, as he often got his supplies and tools there. It was even possible he would see something that could inspire him to make something great for Ayita, Amaranth, and Kable. “I will let you out later,” he promised the stallion before turning to leave. He did not want to bring Nádherné to the stables, in case he happened to not want the company of other stallions. It would have been a good idea to let him out now, but Vigilante did not expect that the stallion would leave everything alone. It was very likely that he might have even tried to wreak havoc out of his old habits.

####He found the walk refreshing, taking some time by himself for a few minutes. Having always lived alone, or at most, in a cave with his sister, it was strange for him to have company in his house. It made him happy to have the three of them there—more thrilled than he could have even put into coherent words—but he did find it very strange. He had gone from the bachelor life to having a mate and helping care for her two very young children, as well. That didn’t bother him, per se. Amaranth and Kable were adorable, and he certainly loved having them around, but the last time he had been involved in raising puppies had been his sister’s only litter. It was a painful memory was all, but he tried his best to ignore it and focus on how wonderful his life was going. He hardly even thought of the war raging to the north of them, as it simply was not a prominent thing in his mind. For the first time in a long time, he honestly loved the way that his life was going. Things had gone uphill and stayed there, most definitely.

####That thought was cut short by a yell from the stables, and Vigilante broke into a sprint, not even thinking of shifting into his four-legged form. It could be a good idea, especially if there was real trouble in the barn. He was capable on both sets of legs, but he could move faster in his dog form. The thought was barely even in his mind by the time he was pushing his way into the stables, eyes adjusting to the dimmer lighting in the building quickly as he dismissed the idea. He recognized the voice that had called for help: Kable. “Kable? Where are you?” he called loudly, moving from stall to stall in hopes of finding the young boy before anything could actually happen to him.


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