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Just so you know, reading that, I made a really loud, sad, "Ooooh! Poor Kable!" He's cute. <3 500 words even.

####The horse’s stall that the screams were originating from was not hard to find at all, the large beast rearing and kicking while making more noise than the obviously frightened pup. Vigilante moved quickly, not even realizing as he pulled open the door to the stall, stepping in between the rearing horse and the frightened puppy. Without concern for himself, the doggish man quickly bent down, grabbing hold of the silver-toned boy in one sweeping motion. He nearly made it out of the stall completely fine, but just as he was about to close the stall’s door quickly, he felt a blow to the back of his calf from one of the horse’s hooves. Thankfully, he had been far enough out of reach that it did not get him as hard as it could have, and all it did was cause his leg to buckle beneath him, though he was able to keep himself upright as he carried Kable away from the angry horse’s stall, holding him protectively. The boy might not have been his own son, but Vigilante cared for him like he was. If anything were to happen to him when Vigilante was there to prevent it, the shepherd-malamute mutt would not have been able to forgive himself. He doubted that either of the boy’s parents would be very pleased, either, if there had been a chance for something to have been prevented and it happened anyway.

####Leaving the stable, the supplies that he had come to find completely forgotten in the adrenaline rush that had just happened, Vigilante knelt to the ground, lowering the frightened puppy to the soft, snowy ground. Now that they were outside, completely out of harm’s way, the man was able to take in the sight of the silver boy. His dark green eyes took in the blood on Ayita’s son’s nose, next realizing how winded the boy seemed, which only made sense considering he had just been thrown across the stall by the horse. Concern flooded his gaze as he studied the boy, watching for any signs that he would need to call for someone who had talent in medical care. If he had gotten there just moments before, he might have been able to prevent some of the injuries, but there was no sense in thinking like that. It was not helpful, and it just served to make him feel worse about the fact that he had not known where Amaranth and Kable were in the first place. “Kable, do you need me to call for someone who knows medicine?” He could not think of anyone for certain, but as far as he knew, Alaine had been on her way to the job. “Did the horse get your nose, too?” It was not that important to know what had happened, but he wanted an account of what had happened that was as clear as possible so that he would be able to tell Alaine, if she was needed, and Ayita later.


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