We've only met once before

Amaranth yawned as she shook. Her mind was blank at the moment she wanted to get out of this house though. She was once again becoming bolder and her mother nor Vigilante were going to stop her. She looked at her tail and growled a bit she couldn't believe it was gone. That man who went unnamed still haunted her dreams and she hated it. She wasn't sure why she seemed so scared of him. He had tossed her around and ate part of her tail. How could he "I'm not eatable doesn't he know that." She said aloud as she looked at the door. One.. two.. three.. and out she was with a cunning push and shove.

Snow uk awful cold stuff. She was just full of unhappiness. She was told never ever to go far from home but adults didn't know anything she planed on going to the borders. Then well maybe back to that scary place to face her fears. She wasn't a smart pup but she was getting there and she had better smarten up fast. Trotting towards the border to scope around she couldn't help but smile. Her mother didn't know she had left she could always use the excuse daddy came and got her to hang out.

The gray sky was starting to let more of the white stuff fall. "Blah go away you stupid white stuff." She said talking to the snow. She knew that it was snow and she knew nature controlled it but she hated it.


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