set the fire to the third bar
Set the morning after her attack. 526[html]

A few days before her attack, Vieira woke up to Kaena gone from the den and her heart sunk and felt as if it would explode from the anticipation of what would come. She received no punishment for her laziness and she only assumed the woman woke up extra early for a border patrol. Now, nearly confined to her room to heal, the woman felt a little restless and stir crazy. It had been only one night but it left her feeling as if her legs were wanting to run a marathon but the rest of her body was exhausted. The pain in her back was no different than this morning than it was the night before but she felt a little better. It hurt to move and Vieira did her best to adjust on the hard and cold floor, twisting herself in order to roll over to her side so she could use her arms to pick herself up. There was no easy position to rest in that did not cause any pain and the woman simply had to take it, suck it up, and try to sleep.

When Vieira found sleep the night before, she slept rather deeply and woke up once or twice because she hurt to much. Her whines were minimal, trying to be quiet to avoid upsetting Kaena, but sometimes it was too much discomfort for her to bear. This morning, just as the sun was rising, the pain was enough to wet her eyes with tears. Her eyes closed tightly, cringing at the pain as she rolled over and pushed herself up with her arms. The slave came to a stop when she propped herself up with her knees and straightened her back. The bandage was not very comfortable, constricting her breathing and movement and making her range of motion limited, unfortunately causing more discomfort if she moved the wrong way. A long breath was enough to ease some of the pain radiating from her back but it gave her the realization that her head throbbed from the trauma she received.

She leaned back on her heels, her hand running up her neck and to the back of her head where the wolf hit her. The skin was tender, bruised, and the entire source for the headache. Her eyes closed the dark room out and she wished there was something she could take to make it subside. Slowly, Vieira's golden eyes opened and she looked out the small door to the main cave and came to the conclusion her owner was still asleep. A breath of relief escaped and she pushed herself with one final thrust so she could make it to her feet. The struggle took longer than normal but she was up and ready to get the day going. She worried her efficiency would fall short in her daily duties but she could not risk not doing them at all. Her weight turned her around and her hand gripped the doorway from her room to the main opening of the cave. Her legs felt shaky and she gave herself time to gather her composure before she did anything.

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