B'aww. :O YOU CAN DO IT!

Myrtle was growing angry now, and he was not afraid to let this fool know it! How could this silly-looking girly man boy thing prevent him from seeing his brother? Sébastien was his brother and there was nothing this coyote thing could do to stop him! Myrtle did not care if he had to lie or betray anyone -- he would see his brother! Even if this meant telling this silly fool secrets about Dahlia, he would stop at nothing to see Sébastien!

"Stop saying that! I cannot leave! He is my bro -- my Sébastien! Eez name eez Sébastien Bettong Quoll, 'ee eez 'eer! Why won't yoo let me zee 'eem? I 'ate you! You no good at patrol borders! I am member of 'Feerni, you crazy crazy! I 'ave seycrets about Dahleeyah, I is spy, I am supposed to tell Sébastien, he know, but you in my way! Get out!" Myrtle was confident this would give him access to Inferni. How could this wolf know whether he was a double agent or not? After all, for all this coyote knew, Myrtle could be! And perhaps Myrtle would be! He would prove this coyote wrong and help his brother at the same time! They would be able to win this war, together, as brothers. They did not need any coyote or wolf pack!


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