Run away tiems!


Finally, Myrtle realized that the coyote was serious. Myrtle was too sore to continue fighting, and despite his noble heroics, he knew it would be smarter to return another day and prove to Nala that he was the superior fighter. Myrtle knew it was true, but he would have to show Nala and demonstrate his skills, so this puny coyote could tremble before his might and power.

"I am going now, but I will get you one day!" he proclaimed. He glowered at the Infernian, livid that he had been denied the right to see his brother. He knew that Sébastien would be worried sick about him, and Myrtle was incredibly concerned for his brother. If these were the sorts of folks he was around, who knew what he would turn into? Perhaps Sébastien would start believing he was more coyote than wolf, or start disliking Myrtle for some crazy reason. He did not want that to happen at all.

Myrtle snarled and tried to kick Nala one last time before he fell over backwards. He scrambled to his feet, scratching his knees in the process on the rough ground. He quickly took off, trying to get away from Inferni before Nala could hurt him again.


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