
Myrtle regarded the young coyote before him with vaguely masked annoyance. How could this creature be so silly? This was a very important matter, and here he was complaining that he could not understand Myrtle! The idea baffled Myrtle, since he was the one who always had trouble understanding what other people were saying to him! What a silly coyote! Myrtle really hoped Sébastian had not befriended a creature as offensive and rude as this one. Well, if this stupid-head was just going to be rude to Myrtle, Myrtle would be rude right back!

"Tu ne comprends pas moi?" he asked rudely, posing the question with the obviously crass tu instead of the polite, socially acceptable vous. Take that, you scumbag!!! Myrtle repeated his question in English this time, ensuring that the coyote understood just how rude Myrtle was being. "You don't awnderstand mee? 'Ow eez theez posseebl? Tu sound très étrange, not me!" he whined.

"I cannot go! I need to find Sébastian! 'e is 'ere, this eez very eemportant! I weel not go until Sébastian comes! You cannot make mee! This is stupeed!" he declared. He felt very proud of himself for standing up to this silly coyote so well! He was like a superhero! A very awesome superhero!

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