lord of the flies

         He was the lowest of the low in the social order. He wasn’t the brightest, or the prettiest, and he sure as hell didn’t hold any distinguishing qualities other than his mangled appearance. This was why he accepted his position as nothing more than a pet—allowing someone far wiser and more intelligent to take control of his world and man the reins. Inferni was the clan, and Kaena this coyote. She could have been a leader or a lowly foot-soldier and it would have made no difference to the coyote. He got his skull, and he’d throw himself at her feet any time she’d dare request. He would be as useful as he could be. She flipped the skull in his general direction and immediately the scrawny beast leapt up to grasp the bleached bone between his less-than-pearly-white fangs, snatching it from the ground and eagerly possessing it.

         Rear slowly waved a few times in an attempted, pleasing effort to show the female he was utterly satisfied with this current arrangement, as his dead tail could do no good in conveying canine emotion. Her earlier shock had been utterly ignored—Frankie was used to repulsive, frightened, and utterly revolted expressions at his outward exterior and bizarre antics, and so he chose willingly to ignore them as though they didn’t exist. Tongue slipping past his teeth and prized gift, he waited for her to lead him to wherever it was she intended to take him—to his death or sanctuary, he found that he didn’t really care either way.


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