If we were children I would bake you a mudpie

p. Arachnea's Revenge

Minos spent most of his time at the shore. The winds were harsh, yet there were not as many other wolves as he found in the center of the pack lands. Among the town’s home, Minos did not find comfort. The builders were too large, and any sort of creature could me lurking around the corner. Instead Minos found the beach to be something that he would call pleasant. He enjoyed being there, and he had never really cared before where he went. It was an odd emotion, and perhaps it came with the male moving upwards in the pack’s ranks and given the freedom of such a rank. Or could it have been the ‘bettering’ his alpha had hoped to make true for his pale soldier. Minos knew that there was a war about, that revenge was to be taken. But he still could not understand why. Why? Had they taken their home, their lands and their prey? Such things were all the white male could recognize. Everything else was beyond his train of thought. They were of the past or looking to the future. Minos merely lived in the now.

The now meant a hungry stomach, and food was scarce on the beach. It was the one thing that Minos did not like about the shore. Prey close to fresh water, to where plants grew dense and hiding spots were plentiful. So the wolf moved through an interesting smelling woods, ears turned forward and in search of anything that might be scrounging in the snowy undergrowth. The smell of rabbit was lingering at the base of every tree, and at each one Minos replaced it with his own scent, a small attempt to increase the landmass of his pack. Bright eyes followed tracks, the two small round circles met fight before the longer back legs of the white furry beast. He smiled to himself, thinking of how tasty a bunny would be right at the present moment.



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