If we were children I would bake you a mudpie
http://i50.tinypic.com/fcjt3d.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

◦355 words.

     It had been very relieving to find out that the coyotes did have regular food around here, as well, since he had not been very excited about the prospect of eating a wolf for dinner. He had not gone hunting the day before, either, because he really did not know what he was supposed to do here. Being a fast runner, Nala knew that he could hunt well, as long as he knew where and what to hunt. As it stood, he was a little bit worried about irritating anyone in Inferni by overstepping his boundaries on where he could hunt. He might be a little on the slow side (or stupid, as his siblings had so rudely called him), but he did know that he had a tendency to make others angry, and he did not want to do that here. Nala was useful, he really was! There had to be some way he could really prove it, but he wanted to start by not making anyone angry. When people were mad at him, it made him very sad and also very confused, and he did not like that at all.

     He found himself trotting among trees, leaving Inferni’s safe lands for the first time since he had joined the clan. It seemed like it would be safe enough if he stayed relatively close, even if the wolves could technically come here, too. As long as he made sure to avoid any other packs, then it would probably be safe to explore and hunt outside of Inferni. His tail waved behind him cheerily as he trotted, yipping to himself excitedly, which was his own way of making sure that he was not ever lonely. Even if he was technically alone, eh did not really feel it when he made noises as if someone was with him. Suddenly, he realized that there was someone else nearby. He could smell them! It was almost the same smell as the little girl from the day before, what’s-her-name from what’s-it-called. “Hey!” he called out, moving closer to the scent, hoping he would find someone in a good mood.


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