If we were children I would bake you a mudpie
http://i50.tinypic.com/fcjt3d.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

◦300+ words.

     No one had ever really played with him before, and seeing the happy and seemingly playful reaction of the white canine delighted him. The coyote grinned cheerfully, glad to see that this male was apparently much nicer than the little ebony girl. She had been terribly rude, accusing him and awesome Anselm of needing to die! But he had set her straight, yes he had. Anselm had helped, of course, with the physical part, but he had been the one to tell her she didn't belong there and that she was wrong about them needing to die. Obviously, she had been raised very poorly! "You smell like a little girl who came to 'ferni yesterday, but she was really dumb," he commented, having decided that was the only logical explanation for the way she had been acting and speaking. If his brothers and sisters had been there, she would have left crying. Nala certainly knew this from personal experience.

     Nala inspected the tree, accepting the wolf's explanation with a small nod. He still did not completely understand, but, well, if Minos said the tree was his, then it was his. It certainly smelled like him, in a weird, very strong way. Nala didn't really like that at all, but he certainly did not want to offend his friend! Nose still wrinkled, he turned to face Minos, minor confusion still decorating his young features. "What do you do with a tree?" he asked, unsure of any possible answer. He really could not see why anyone would want a tree in the first place. Could anything even be done with a tree? He certainly could not think of anyhing at all, but he really wanted to know what Minos was going to do with his tree. If it was a good idea, then maybe he would have his own tree, too. But if it didn't seem good enough, then he could just use Minos' tree, surely.


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