If we were children I would bake you a mudpie

ohhh they're silly

Being with the tawny coyote was liberating for Minos. He felt as he had when he was a pup, before the real rules of those on top and those on bottom had pushed him below everyone else. He held rank in his new pack, but the chocolate leader would easily pound him back to the omega position if he stepped out of line. So Minos played the role of follower as the pro his years of submission had taught him to be. But here, it didn't seem to matter. And he waved his tail beyond his back-end with the energy of a folded eared blue eyed runt. A smile was worn, and he gave a encouraging "Yeah!" It was easy, but he figured the coyote was one of the smarter ones running about. He seemed it, knowing what Minos was thinking just by watching his form. Even if he didn't know that basics of territory marking, Mino figured coyotes just did something different. But nothing was as efficient as his method. "You need to fight to protect it." Minos spoke with a casual tone. Yellow eyes looked at the tan faced yote, before his front end fell to the ground in a playful bow. Tail waved, lips pulled back in a lazy smile. A growl came from his throat, but it was all in mock. The other might need to learn to fight too, and Minos shuffled to the side with an attempt to keep his stance as he tried to moved closer to the other's tree.


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