If we were children I would bake you a mudpie
http://i50.tinypic.com/fcjt3d.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

◦300+ words. Yes, they are! ^^ But oh so cute!

     Nala stepped back to observe his handiwork, glad for Minos' encouragement. He'd never had a tree before! Now he had one, and even if he didn't know what to do with it, he still had one. Not everyone had a tree. His brothers and sisters, they didn't have trees! And they called him the stupid one. Obviously, he was not, and they were, because he had a tree and a Minos and they did not. His puppyhood (not that he was even out of it yet, really) had been rather lonely, since his siblings had always told him that he was the stupid one. Woudn't they regret treating him so meanly, if only they knew that he had a tree and they didn't? Goodness gracious, it would be great! Then he could laugh at them, just like they had laughed at him, and he could be happy in his home in Inferni. Naturally, he forgot quickly that they were not really happy, considering the war going on.

     Wrinkling his nose, Nala decided he did not like the idea of having to fight for his tree. He was awfully small, and he had taken so many beatings before. What if he didn't win? "But. . . Couldn't they just get a different tree?" he whined, very unhappy with the idea that someone could try to steal his tree. It was his tree, Nala's tree! He whimpered in surprise at minos' change of position and the sound that came from him, but it did not cross his mind that it could have meant something bad. It never did occur to him, after all. He was mostly surprised, but he quicky dropped to mimick the Dahlian's position, wiggling his bum awkwardly in the air as he tried to tip-toe to his tree in secret. "Did you want this tree? 'cause it's mine, you said so!" It would be terribly silly of Minos to want it now!


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