sic transit gloria

Thanks sooooo much! I love it! Big Grin

As Mati came to settle beside him, Silas could almost smell the musk of autumn on his nose. It was easy to think back to their last meeting, when Silas had merely been exploring in order to get a feel for the land. He had been looking for his elder brothers as well, but the boy had all but given up on that quest. By now, he figured they would have gotten word of the Russo brothers’ whereabouts. Perhaps, just like Rurik had, they’d moved on.

‘ow ‘ave you been, sveetheart?" He asked, smiling all the while. For now, he wanted to leave behind Inferni and the war. He wanted a moment to think of the beautiful things in the world, and he found comfort in Mati’s soft lavender eyes. He didn’t want to admit what he had done since he had last seen her – he could still picture the crimson of blood staining the fur of his hands. But the image was pushed aside again and the Russian found himself concentrating on the soft waves that fell past Mati’s shoulders. He was lost there for a moment, until Mati raised a question. The icy blue rose to find her gaze concentrated on his face, and Silas knew she meant the scars along his muzzle. They were not old, and the boy had received them only a week or so prior to joining the ranks of Inferni. They were a constant reminder of his hatred for the male Hydra. "Zhese? Oh," he offered a light chuckle, "I vent little too far. Some people in zhis vorld aren’t nice as you." He didn’t necessarily want to retell the details of that particular event, as Silas had been rash and unthinking in his actions. His meeting with Hybrid didn’t particularly reflect well on him. ‘ow ‘ave you been?"


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