sic transit gloria

She had not wished to judge him, though the Dreamer was well aware that she could be judgmental. But the female found it hard to tell when she became that way. It was not as clear as anger or frustration, even jealousy was far more apparent to her then the moment she was growing concerned with other's morals and placing judgment on them. But she was only worried for him and didn't understand why he was smelling so much of Inferni. Her views of the coyote clan were so very jumbled, having met someone very apt on throwing her out, to another that had shared drugs with her and gotten a it too close for comfort. Now there was Silas, he was sweet like Rikka, but held a different mystery then the confusing female yote. He was mysterious and at the same moment he laid everything out right before her, or he had the first time they had met. Now there was a secret, but Mati forgot that he might be hiding something as he spoke. His accented voice called for concentration and she was eager to know where he was in the search for his family.
"Thats good though." She proclaimed with a small smile. He kin were slowly making their way to the region,
"Maybe others will follow him." She knew little about the way traveling from one country to the other happened, but there could be a small bit of hope since one had found their way.

He questioned her, and Mati found that she didn't have anything as exciting to report. Thoughts and whispers of war were all she heard lately as she dealt with the loss of Ares, and the conversation she had had with his sister Princess. She found the most confusing the hazy memories of her meeting with the Inferni woman Rikka, the scent of his pelt bringing her back to life in Mati's mind. But she was embarrassed about her confusion, determined to believe that there was nothing to be confused about. It was just another moment of time to tuck away into the vault of all the other repress-able memories.
"Things have been quiet, I've been working on a mural in Cour des Miracles so I have spent a lot of time there." She explained with a forced light tone.



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