if everything was everything

The kindness Snake was offering her was not something she was used to. He had given her two presence since knowing each other without wanting anything in return. First of all, she rarely got anything solely for her and if she did, it always came at a price. She felt that something was missing inside her mind when she did not give him anything, whether tangible or something else, but nonetheless he did not seem to want anything. It would not stop her from trying to find something for him, regardless if there was nothing he needed. Perhaps Vieira did not need these toys he was giving her but she found comfort and safety in them. And the best thing about them was that Snake had given them to her and was happy to have them.

Her jaw opened to question the toy, to ask what it was, but she felt it might be rude. She felt as if she should know what it was and that Snake had given it to her with purpose. She did not find this but instead held it close. Vieira was not able to focus on the pain in her back but instead the fact this was warm and soft and something she could keep in her room. The first thing she would do when Kaena returned was to tell her because if she hid it, she knew she would get in trouble later. Astaroth said something in the back of her mind to reinforce this but she did her best to block him out. "I really like it," she whispered as if she were a child and continued to hold it close to her chest. With a final squeeze, she relaxed and it hung low in her hands by her belly.

"Do you want to sit down?" she asked, looking at the floor. She knew she needed to keep resting and she hoped he would keep her company, at least until Kaena returned. Vieira never minded being around Kaena, unfortunately it was something she depended on but a nice change of face was refreshing and if there were gifts like this involved, she would want it a little more.

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