Respect your neighbour - mandatory
Sorry this took me so long >< James asked me to bring Ember in too, so here she is.

It was a little surprising that the stuff falling from the sky was so, well, wet. The last few days had been chilly, but apparently it was now warm enough to melt the snow on its way down. Hemming had eschewed his hat, as it was better serving its purpose as a sponge before the sun had even cleared the horizon, and was now sporting his rather charming spirit guide. She sang as the wolf headed towards the Town Hall, apparently pleased to be able to grip his head without hindrance. It had been a while since there had been a tribe meeting - not since the previous ceremony - and the Gatlvska wondered what it was about. Whatever it was, it was the first time the Town Hall was being put to a formal use. Though it wasn't perfect yet, the sight of the building made a warm feeling surge in the male's chest, part pride and part fondness for the memories it raised.

As he was making a brisk pace towards the meeting, Hemming spotted Ember, and lifting a hand he waved and called before hustling towards her. Her pace was naturally quicker than his, though that wasn't saying much; he liked to walk slowly. Comments about the rain and laughter were exchanged, and before they knew it the two wolves had reached the handsome building. They stepped in, brushed the water from their fur and moved toward the gathering. There were faces that were familiar and faces that weren't, but Hemming smiled briefly at them all before sitting.

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