She’s like grace from the earth


The day was cold, holding a winter wind that could not be tamed and cut through any coat, fur and human made as well. It trapped the Church girl indoors, behind the door with the hung sunflower painting. With the brisk wind came a bright sun, and she sat at her table with pencil in hand using the clear light. Her inspiration had been drained by the grand mural she had been working on for the Miracles male Strel, but the light was too perfect not to use. It was a simple sketch, only lines to make the figure that stood within the doorway she imagined and then formed on the white paper. She was faceless, created from the deeper reaches of her mind and memories that she had pushed into those realms. Mati used the task to forget the memories that confused her, and yet as she drew they grew from simple thoughts to concrete evidence.

But, the young woman saw it as beauty that could be hidden behind the label of art. Harmless. Before working on the face of the nameless female the Dreamer rose, rustling through piles of canvas and papers until she found the matte board that she desired. With the knife she kept among her pencils the earthen hued woman cut along the strait edge. She angled the knife, piecing the soft thick paper and drew the sharp edge across the ruler her eyes drifting to the picture she wished to call complete and matte before actually completing it. There was something about the rough edges that made her proud of it. The knife hit the table, and her eyes looked down to the white board turned red.

The artist looked slowly as her hand, finding the pain coming to her only as she saw the wound across the base of her thumb. Idly she had drawn the knife right over her soft hand, eyes and mind focused on a woman that had no face. It stung, and she could not help by cry out softly at the pain. Quickly she went to the door, panic not yet over whelming her and yet her hands had begun to shake at the sight of her own blood. Through the hall and into the kitchen the tall woman walk briskly, looking in the cabinets for a clean rag. Why she had not just looked in the basket where she kept her new unused rags she did not know, but as she searched the pain and panic was setting in. She closed the empty cabinets without reserve, drops of blood dabbling the floor and counter. She needed water as well, but it seemed that she couldn’t find anything. Lost among useless kitchenware Mati felt the urge to cry wash over her, and yet she stifled the tears.



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