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Silly Ghita... her and the conspiracies... XD
WC: 710
I was going to use the word of the day, but it was a love letter, so.. XD


Unable to do anything but wait for her niece to return, the Italian fae half-wondered if it really was too unlikely for Cambria to forget about her aunt and tumble back into bed. Shifting her weight a little more, her slight exasperation was hidden under a mask of nonchalance - hiding both the exasperation and the stinging that the kick inspired.

Rolling her turquoise eyes, one part of her face spoke annoyance while another part explained that she appreciated the care. Her ears twitched, the very tips pointing down in appreciation, finally letting out another sigh as her niece hurried down the stairs. "Guarda te ... non scivolare. Stair che uno è un po 'bagnato ora ..." The fact that the stair was wet was the elder fae's fault alone, and she certainly wouldn't be as useful if Cambria were to become hurt (even if it was as simple as a bump from falling down a few stairs).

Cambria's less than cool gaze stopped the protests and attempts to shake off the injury in their tracks, a small ripple of shock and amusement starting to heat her skin. "Okay okay, doctor Cambria. I understand... but I still think it's nothing to worry about. This happened all the time in Italy..." Shrugging her unaffected shoulder, she still complied, rolling to allow the cut to become exposed.

A hint of self-consciousness prickled as her niece examined her injury, so small and slight she figured that the cut didn't even need any attention at all. Still, she held her tongue, knowing from the past few moments that Cambria was quite serious about treating her 'grievously wounded' aunt. Still, she felt that having it treated could be better than having the sinew exposed for her youngsters to see. At the very least, she'd have an exciting battle story to tell them tomorrow.

Still, the distrust rankled her and set the fae on edge. In Italy she had been fine whenever she had been hurt - heck, she even went through a miscarriage with nothing but a branch to bite. In hindsight, it seemed silly that Cambria was fussing over this in particular now, a tiny cut compared to what the aunt and mother had felt before. But, she pushed the emotions aside and focused on the trust she had in her niece, knowing that Cambria knew what she was doing (either that, or would call someone else to help further.

The mention of an Aniwayan only brought a blank stare from Ghita's cranium. In three days' time, she'd meet one, yes, but she had no clue of who they were or what they did at this point in time. For now, she nodded as if she had something resembling a clue as to what Cambria was talking about, eyes still trained on the mysterious medical supplies as if they would leap up and bite her on the nose.

Now came the rank smell of alcohol, that should have been familiar in theory but really smelt like nothing she knew of. Her niece was walking her through the process of what she was about to do, step by step, but it still did nothing to qualm her nerves and jitters. The fae had decided to look away, out the window at the setting sun to distract herself as Cambria tended to her, in a hopefully distracted manner until a quick burst of flame pulled her back into the room. "Ahi! Dagli Dei, Cambria. Stai cercando di uccidere la tua vecchia zia?!"

Startled by the stinging the cleaning alcohol gave her, Ghita stiffened a little, calming down after the initial shock. "Sei sicuro che questo è qualcosa che aiuta? Sembra certo, come si sta facendo peggiorare le cose ..!" Flicking her ears, her cranium ducked down again onto her paw, watching Cambria fuss over her, before giving a sheepish grin to her niece. She was one to overreact, that was for sure, the older fae. Cringing a little as the pressure was applied to her cut, Ghita turned her focus to something else, hoping to distract both faes from Ghita's outburst. "Cambi ... Io non ti ho visto alla festa. Va tutto bene?"


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