Tramonto del Sole


........Ghita was clearly surprised at the sudden show of strength and stubbornness from her usually quiet and demure niece. If there was one thing that could bring the power out in her though it was her will to protect and care for her family just as they cared for her. Chances were good that there would be no complications if the injury went untreated, but there was always that chance, no matter how slim, that the exposed flesh could become infected and then things would go downhill quickly. Right now her abilities were limited to treating physical injuries and she could do nothing if someone got sick. The healing by herbs was still unknown to her and while she was certain that Dawali would help any packmates she brought to him that were sick she wanted to avoid that if possible. Besides, if she stood by and did nothing and her aunt got sick as a result she would feel beyond awful. There was only one member of her family that she had issues with and it was not the woman before her. And no matter how angry she was at her uncle she would never wish him any ill. "It would probably be fine, but if it got infected you could get really sick and I wouldn't be able to help you then. It's a precaution. If you won't let me do it for yourself then let me do it for my own piece of mind." No matter how proud Ghita was she wouldn't refuse such a request, the girl knew.

........Having never administered to anyone before she didn't know how her aunt would react to the most unpleasant part of the process. Cambria had never felt the sting of alcohol on opened flesh before, but she knew that it wasn't anything nice. Still, it needed to be done. Having been kicked by a deer there was likely dirt and other sorts of things in the cut that could be dangerous not to mention the deadly little organisms that were too small for the eye to see. Still, she hadn't been expecting quite the vocal reaction that she was met with. A part of her timid self jumped back up and she almost flinched away from her work but she steeled herself and continued. "Lei sa che faccio nessuna tale cosa," she said in a soft, comforting tone. "Potrebbe sembrare strano, ma duole perché fa che ha supposto a. Si sbarazza di tutta la terra e le altre brutte cose che potrebbe essere là dentro che potrebbe fare lei i malati." This hurt for certain, but it was much much better than facing an infection later on.

........The sudden change in subject made the girl's body straighten and tense, her eyes taking on a darker hue as her jaws clenched together. She had felt bad, missing the gathering of the Marino family, but she had been unable to stand the thought of seeing her uncle Ehno after learning what he had done. Much less to see the pups he had had with that woman. Her absence had not only been a protection for her but she hadn't wanted to disrupt the friendly atmosphere and ruin the gathering for everyone else. Cambria wouldn't have been able to keep her negative feelings in check. "No," she said curtly. Removing the cloth from the cut she began to measure out a length of bandage to wrap around her aunt's shoulder. "Uni giorni di coppia prima che la mamma di riunione mi hanno detto dei cuccioli di Ehno di Zio e di cui loro madre era." As she spoke she could feel the anger rising up in her chest and knew it must be leaking into her voice. "Non ho voluto vederlo." Quickly her hands moved to wrap the bandage around her shoulder and cut and few times before securely tying it in place.

........Grabbing another clean cloth Cambria stood abruptly, her bangs overshadowing her eyes. "Avrò ragione è di ritorno." The Marino walked brusquely out the front door of the mansion and could feel hot tears threatening to erupt from her eyes. She did all she could to hold them back though, and searched for a good sized chunk of ice. Finding one she wrapped it up in the cloth and returned to the manor and to her aunt's side. Lightly she held the ice against the hurt shoulder. "Questo dovrebbe aiutare intorpidito il dolore e riduce il gonfiare." The barely held back tears were evident in her slightly wavering tones.


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