Tramonto del Sole

Uuuuhhh, I'd never really thought about it XD It doesn't matter really to me the order they came out of teh womb 500+

........Cambria understood why her aunt would want to downplay her injury and to try and sweep it under the rug instead of confront it. The young Marino had done the very same often, preferring to ignore her problems instead of facing them head on. Admitting that something was wrong wasn't easy most of the time and it was almost never fun to talk about it. Still, they didn't have to talk about the injury or dwell on it any longer than it took her to bandage it up. "Non raro o, la Zia, non corro qualunque rischio." It was always better to be safe rather than sorry. The apprentice healer wasn't going to take any chances with the well being of her family. Not to mention Ghita was a mother, she needed to stay in good shape for her pups. This wasn't just about helping Ghita personally, but ensuring that the whole family was kept safe. If something happened to one of them it affected them all. That had been proved abundantly by the inconsiderate and unthoughtful actions of her uncle, the girl thought bitterly.

........Her aunt clearly felt bad for her outburst and Cambria was content to move on and not think about it. It was likely that if their positions were switched she would have reacted in a similar way from the sudden increased pain. It was clear that her aunt wasn't used to being treated either and that would have an effect on the way she handled it as well. Her mother had told her that the way she and her aunt and uncle had lived back in Italy had been much different than the way they all lived here. It was hard for the girl to imagine life without shifting and without the manor and books and all the other human stuff they used on such a regular basis. If it were weird for her to imagine living that way then surely it was weird for Ghita to have to adjust to this new way of life. Patience was the key and Cambria had almost limitless patience when it came to her family.

........She could feel her aunt's concern-filled eyes watch her as her demeanor changed. Cambria couldn't bring herself to meet her gaze though, knowing that if she did she would lose whatever little composure that she still possessed. The only thing she had ever experienced that had hurt worse had been the accident itself and the all-consuming depression that had followed it. This cut deeper though, because that hurt hadn't been inflicted by a family member. Ehno was her uncle, he should have been here, worrying after her, not off having sex with that awful woman. She hated the D'Angelo as she hated nothing and no one else. To know that her own uncle had copulated and had children with was salt in the wound that had been inflicted so long ago but was still open and fresh. She could view it all as nothing but a callous, selfish act on his part. She didn't know if her mind would ever change.

........The Marino heard Ghita call after her but didn't respond. She would be back soon, Ghita would see. Hopefully in her concern the older wolf wouldn't try to walk and aggravate the freshly tended wound. When she returned inside though her aunt was in the same spot thankfully. Her aunt expressed sympathy for the situation and Cambi's claws dug into the cloth holding the ice harshly. "Non posso credere che ciò farebbe, dopo che che ha fatto a me," the girl said darkly, voice strained. Her eyes were glossy with tears that she still managed to contain somehow. It wouldn't be long until the dam broke however and they flowed freely and without restraint. "Sono morto quasi! Quella polvere mi ha ucciso quasi! E che fa? Va e dorme con lei! The girl's voice rose in volume until she was nearly shouting. Her shoulders shook from the strain of all the emotions raging inside her as the tears finally broke free and flowed down her face. The ice was dropped as her arms moved to wrap around her own torso, a sad attempt to keep herself together. It was too much for the fragile fey to handle.

........The question was surprising, and the answer didn't come readily. Even when it did come, it was not clear cut. "Entrambi..." she answered softly. "Non li biasimo, non è la loro colpa, ma vedendo che sarebbero stati troppo." Her uncle was the only one she blamed, and the only one she was mad at and hurt by. She didn't hold any ill will towards the pups, but that didn't mean that she could forget who their mother was either. Or the fact that their conception had been a grand act of betrayal by a member of her family.


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