you'll grow a thirst for truth
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Don't worry about it XD I just like to write a lot. Also I forgot about her age/shifting.... *double fail*

Word Count: 498

In spite of the chill hanging over them by the unknown female's cold shouldered departure, Yumiko was beginning to truly like little Rio. She'd always loved children of all ages, and she couldn't help but mother them. Perhaps it was the little exposure she'd had to them throughout her life by living with just her family; now, whenever she spotted a pup she instantly wanted to comfort them and help them anyway she could. It might be foolish for many reasons, including helping where no help was needed and even angering protective mothers. However she couldn't help herself. If anyone bothered to pay any attention, they'd see she couldn't possibly mean any harm. She barely even fought to protect herself, let alone harm an innocent baby.

As the dark pup mangled the name of her new tribe, she grinned widely with the most sincere joy she'd ever felt. Her laugh was loud and clear, like tinkling glass, and was easy to hear over the river. It had been ages since she'd been so truly, completely happy. The little girl was so innocent, naive almost, and yet so pure of heart. She just didn't know, and that is always the most entertaining form of amusement. Her laugh was short and sweet, and she finished quickly; a tear came to her eye that she blinked away. "I-I'm sorry! You're just so sweet, I couldn't help it. It's a funny name, isn't it? An-eh-way-ya. See?"

Yumiko shook out her fur from snout to tail, ready to get moving one way or another. Rio seemed to read her mind, as she agreed to explore with her. She just prayed that nothing would happen to the child; she didn't think she could handle it. "Please, just call me Yumiko. As for where to go... um..." Stumped, Yumiko looked around. The river to one side, the forest to the other. That was obvious. Other than that.... "Look at that! I've never seen anything like it! Shall we check it out?" She said happily, pointing with a slender paw towards a tall, rugged pine tree that towered over the rest of the forest. It seemed ancient, like it had been growing for centuries, just biding its time until its almost eternal life had ended.

She headed over towards the trees, light on her feet with the sense of adventure and paused after only a few feet. She looked back at Rio, still waiting behind her as if making a decision. She smiled reassuringly and gestured her head in a You comin'? gesture. Now that they were more comfortable with each other, she had begun to show more of her age instead of being the older, motherly type that Rio probably thought of her. She was only 2 years old, after all; she was just more mature than most and often that was all she showed others. Maybe she'd open up to this innocent pup and she could finally have a true friend.


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