you'll grow a thirst for truth

The girl had never met someone so outstandingly pure of heart. The grown woman's ever present, bright smile was seemingly fighting to dissolve the anxiety that lingered in Rio's tummy, about sad lonely girls who didn't care to speak to anybody, who were too full of sorrow to cope with the presence of others. The little child saw that Yumiko was enjoying herself too; her eyes were sparkling and seemed almost concealed by a thin mist, and instinctively felt warmed by her words. She trusted this canine, even if she shouldn't. At this point, Yumiko would have to be a complete psychopath to harm Rio in any way since she'd so portrayed herself as a gentle woman thus far.

Rio couldn't see why Yumiko would be apologizing. It seemed they were both saying sorry without the other knowing why. This was such a funny thing! They were similar, something to be excited about. It was nice, to have something in common with a complete stranger. "Yo'wr sweet!" she repeated, but it was more than just a child's game. She meant it. Yumiko was sweet. "An, eh, WAY ya!" She wagged her tail, feeling more confident now that she'd pronounced the woman's home correctly.

Her new friend was lost for what they could explore, and Rio followed her gaze, but she also allowed her own to absorb their surroundings. There was the river, but Rio didn't want to go too near it. She was frightened of water. It was a relief to see that the blonde wolf pointed away from the water, to a mighty, gnarled and ancient tree. Rio's pale eyes widened and she giggled, bouncing into step after her companion. Mama and Papa played with her only sometimes, when they weren't too busy. Yumiko's willingness to become playful for Rio was wonderful. "Why is the tree so sad?"

Don't worry about it! 300+

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