you'll grow a thirst for truth
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Thanks so much <3 I honestly love yours too. I think we have a pretty similar style, for the most part o3o

Word Count: 611

As the tree loomed above them and the two small, practically insignifigant wolves stood in its shadow, it seemed as though they were at the end of the world with nothing but this barrier stopping them from tumbling off the very edge. Yumiko hadn't even noticed when she'd stopped walking, but now, gazing down at Rio, it was a good thing they had. Rio lowered her head, and Yumiko's tail drooped sadly as her first though was she had upset her by saying the wrong thing. Yet, she knew that any silly tale would have only confused the pup and made her search for an answer on her own time, maybe even getting into danger. She was incredibly obsevant and empathetic, if not mature for her age and even for any wolf.

The blonde wolf opened her mouth to say something more when the little one raised her face at her with tears shining in her eyes, the pain of the tree clear in their depths, and leaned her cool fur against her leg. Yumiko blinked, surprised that Rio felt that close to her in such a short time, but she put a small portion of her own weight towards the pup as where their fur connected began to spread warmth throughout her leg. She paused, thinking, before managing to lick Rio's forehead affectionately. It wasn't a exactly a sign of love or respect, although both were buried in the gesture, but more of understanding and comfort. Her fur tasted like cinnamon and pine and reminded Yumiko of her childhood.

She looked back up at the tree that was coated in ice and snow; every once in a while a pile would fall from feet up in the air and land nearby as the tree creaked and groaned in the wind. She could feel purplish eyes searching for her own and she looked deep into the soulful eyes she found beneath her own. Will the tree always be lonely? "I think he has more company then he knows." A blonde head turned back towards the trunk of the tree, near the base, and gestured towards a small hole, the lip coated in snow. "Watch carefully," she whispered, knowing what she assumed would happen would happen because her nose never lied.

Before their eyes, skittering out from the safety of the branches and down the open trunk, 3 small squirrels made their way towards the hole in the trunk. One stopped halfway while the others ran with rodent-nervousness into their den, and turned its head to glare fearfully with beady eyes towards the pair of hunters. Sensing no immediate danger and feeling safe in the boughs of the mighty tree, it continued on its path to join its brethern.

Letting out a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding, Yumiko smiled softly at the squirrel's den, thankful her nose hadn't let her down at such a time. She'd smelt them crawling around the tree branches, too high up for one as young and small as Rio to notice, and noticed the scent trails leading back to the hole. She gave a gentle shove into the pup's side. In all honesty, she was as relieved to have calmed her own empathetic worries as those of the intuitive little one. Whispering conspiratorially as if it could hear, she said, "He's not most observant tree around." She giggled, as after the squirrels left the forest seemed to straighten up again and the mood around the pair seemed brighter somehow. Now where would they go? She supposed they could... attempt to climb the tree. Or maybe there was some secret tunnel hidden beneath the many roots, leading to an underground cave? She grinned despite herself at the prospect of such an unusual discovery, then glanced out the corner of her eye towards her companion to see how she felt about everything they'd just discovered.

I think I/my characters have a thing for pups. I mean, there's you, Lotus, two 1 year olds, and a 1 month (on a different site). Yeesh. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE.


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