you'll grow a thirst for truth

She didn't consciously connect the appearance of the sun and the warming of the atmosphere with the happiness she was beginning to feel. Yumiko had an unassuming way of explaining things so that they made sense to the girl; there was truth in her voice. Rio believed the woman. She had spoken in stark honesty, for her prediction that the tree was not quite alone came true with the appearance of the fuzzy little squirrels. The sable child was developing a deep admiration for the pale tawny wolf.

"Yes," Rio agreed, wagging her tail several times. She was a bit disheartened by the intonnation that their time together was limited. She understood that she could not spend all day with her new friend; the time they'd shared together was precious to her, however, and she didn't want it to end. Their day didn't have to end so immediately, which was very encouraging. Rio laughed joyfully as her nose was assaulted by Yumiko's forehead, pawing upward as the woman drew away again. Her renewed happiness left her energetic and wishing to play. Apparently, her companion felt the same way, moving into a playful stance. The child could not ignore the beckoning shine in the beautiful blue eyes and made a dash toward the larger wolf. She pounced toward a large golden paw with harmless teeth borne. "I'm a get youuu!" she sang as she struck forward, just wanting to play. She had no clue of Yumiko's criminal plan.

This is short, but it's something.


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