Remember a Day

For Enyo! 300+ words.

The light was fading fast, and though he was not fond of leaving his mate and her two children alone for too long, Vigilante had decided to stay where he was for just a little while longer. He was not far from the pack's territory, anyway, only just a little ways away from Pirata Grotto. Though he was outside by a bit, the Constable was still keeping himself alert for any sign of anything out of the ordinary. He had not seen the King since their pack meeting, and though he did not find this strange (he was not close to Jacquez at all, and hardly saw him before the war's descent, either), he did not want to risk being too far away from the pack. His concern was not for himself, but for those that he had sworn to protect. Of course, he was not the only one protecting those living in Cour des Miracles. The pack was generally made up of those that could handle themselves. He truly just worried too much, he suspected, not a bad thing.

Staring at the crashing waves just feet in front of him, Vigilante inhaled deeply, enjoying the sharp, bitter cold air with the tangy, salted scent of the sea water. As was usual for him lately, he was sitting in his two-legged form, his legs stretched and crossed in front of him. It seemed strange to think about how rare it had been for anyone but him to use their wolf form back in his birth pack, but he distinctly remembered finding it fascinating that so many chose to walk on two legs here. The Constable used both, as well as the halfway form, frequently, and he did not know if he really had a preferred form. Most likely, he used whatever form seemed to fit what he wanted to do that day. During his patrols, he usually used one of his four-legged forms, but when he was taking time for himself or when he was with Ayita, he frequently used his shifted one.

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